Friday 2 September 2011

Zen Architects - The East Brighton Green House

Zen Architects are an architectural firm located in Melbourne who specialize in creating sustainable houses, with a focus on lowering the carbon footprint produced by a house.

Using a combination of innovative and self-sustainable designs, Zen Architects are becoming more and more popular, slowly making the average suburban home, much more interesting and self-sustaining.

The openness of the veranda makes the interior of the house seem much bigger, and effectively joining the interior with the exterior 

 The straight sloped roof contrasts with the curved part of roof at the other end of the house drawing the eye over the length of the house.

 The curvature of the roof adds extra appeal to the house.

 The main hallway links the back and front of the house, creating a flow through the house.

 Looking at the different levels used to create interesting features within the house.

 The house at dusk showing the side of the house, and the lighting within it.

 Plan view.

Section view.

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