Sunday 23 October 2011

Printable & Interactive Poster

Printable Poster

 Interactive Poster

Programs used:
3DS Max

500 Word Draft

Zerdia is a large residential house consisting of 4 large bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms a guest room and an indoor swimming pool. Boasting two levels and balconies that cantilever out over the lush green hills, there is no way you can be disappointed with the views. Zerdia displays a combination of glass, wood and plain colours, keeping a theme based around blue and white. All interior walls are white, while doors and outdoor features are kept a dark blue to blend in with the wooden roof and decking.

With an emphasis on space, Zerdia features large & spacious bedrooms for all occupants. Half of the bottom floor is dedicated to a heated indoor swimming pool with a large surrounding tiled area leaving lots of room for various other recreational activities. The kitchen is almost part of the lounge room, only divided by the kitchen counter; this coupled with the large area and the upstairs balcony make it perfect for hosting parties.

As it is situated in an isolated area, there is no need to have solid walls to create privacy, instead Zerdia’s walls are constructed from glass allowing the occupants 360 degree view’s making the house seem bigger, and connecting the house with the environment. Aswell as providing the occupants with great views, it will also allow maximum sunlight reducing the need for artificial lights and hence reducing the house’s carbon footprint.

Inspired by the Zen Architect’s design of the East Brighton Green House in Melbourne, Zerdia has mimicked the key features of the house and exaggerated them. The most fundamental being the twisted shape of the Green House’s roof which peels upwards at the verandah. This interesting shape formed the building blocks of Zerdia. By redeveloping the concept of a twisted roof, the entire shape of Zerdia was developed which can be seen by the peeling away of the roof and the entire twist placed on the building.

Using new ways to convey information Quicktime VR allows a 360 degree viewing of main areas of the house: the pool area, upstairs lounge room and both balconies.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Interactive Poster

Friday 9 September 2011

Re-inventing the Green House

After looking at the Greenhouse designed by Zen Architects, I have noticed a few important factors that make the building a unique standout in its suburban environment. The most important being the curved roof which contrasts the orthogonal nature of surrounding houses. Mimicking the natural environment, the curvature of the roof draws the eye to specific parts of the house, the front decking in particular. The curvature of the roof also results in a slanted roof, allowing for ribbon windows on the front façade to bring in extra sunlight to this 1 storey house.

To reinvent the house I plan to exaggerate the curvature of the roof, by creating curved walls and possibly curved floors. I also plan to use wood as the primary texture and wooden screens to further represent the curved roof of the East Brighton Greenhouse.

Monday 5 September 2011

East Brighton Renders

Real Image

Rendered Image

Real Image

Rendered Image

Real Image

Rendered Image

Real Image

Rendered Image

Friday 2 September 2011

Zen Architects - The East Brighton Green House

Zen Architects are an architectural firm located in Melbourne who specialize in creating sustainable houses, with a focus on lowering the carbon footprint produced by a house.

Using a combination of innovative and self-sustainable designs, Zen Architects are becoming more and more popular, slowly making the average suburban home, much more interesting and self-sustaining.

The openness of the veranda makes the interior of the house seem much bigger, and effectively joining the interior with the exterior 

 The straight sloped roof contrasts with the curved part of roof at the other end of the house drawing the eye over the length of the house.

 The curvature of the roof adds extra appeal to the house.

 The main hallway links the back and front of the house, creating a flow through the house.

 Looking at the different levels used to create interesting features within the house.

 The house at dusk showing the side of the house, and the lighting within it.

 Plan view.

Section view.


Overall I found this assignment to be very interesting as it exposed me to the new technology of Augmented Reality. After experimenting with the software BuildAR, I have realized how versatile and useful Augmented Reality is, and how it is likely to change technology in the near future.

Utilizing a variety of programs including, sketch up, 3DS Max, Photoshop and BuildAR I was able to complete this assignment in an effective and efficient manner. Part of designing on the computer is to use the best software for the particular job, transferring the current project to different programs to complete certain phases of the assignment. I felt I was able to do this effectively.

The dwelling from my creature was inspired by Norman Foster’s contemporary architectural structures, displaying an array of rooms joined by unique staircases. To reflect the creature’s, Froggo, personality, I constructed the dwelling to resemble that of a maze with multiple paths to take through the structure. This idea of having multiple paths was inspired by Norman Foster’s building ‘The Gherkin’ in which a web of steel holds up the structure. 

As well as using Norman Foster’s designs as inspiration for the dwelling, I also took note of Froggo’s personality and tried to reflect that in the dwelling structure. In keeping with Froggo’s amphibious nature, the dwelling is located in the water of a rainforest, with half the structure above water and the other half underwater. This allows Froggo to sleep in his underwater cavern while still having the option to move up to the higher levels to get out of the water.

Throughout the assignment I also faced some minor difficulties regarding the BuildAR program. When making the markers, I was not originally aware that the black border needed to be half the width of the white square which prevented BuildAR from detecting the marker properly. 

After this problem had been fixed, I was able to finish the assignment without any further issues.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Sunday 7 August 2011

Augmented Reality Inspiration

I thought that this video was inspirational as it shows how useful augmented reality can be, using Augmented reality anyone would be able to fix their own car instead of taking it to a mechanic. Using this same idea, augmented reality could be implemented into everyday society, allowing anyone to fix things without having to study how to do it.